Saturday, April 28, 2012


Healthy Coffee: Yes It Can Be!

Executive summary about healthy coffee By Hilga Williams

Are you a coffee drinker?
I believes that a cup of healthy coffee is easy if you just follow a few basic rules.

Coffee begins its journey to the cup with beans that are roasted, and then ground. The coffee is mostly brewed in a coffee maker which gives you a mug of brown water. A cup of healthy coffee increases your sensitivity to insulin, which is a good thing.

Now I will tell you that when drink coffee it is not like what most of Americans drink, so we would consider our cup of healthy coffee just that: healthy.

I likes his coffee black with a few drops of the natural organic sweetener, stevia. So what are some ways you can make your coffee a cup of healthy coffee? If you want to enjoy a sweet cup of healthy coffee you can add a little raw honey, organic maple syrup, or natural organic stevia. If you enjoy your coffee black then so much the better. If you enjoy coffee out, be sure to stay away from the lattes, frappuccinos, and other fancy coffees as they just add uneeded calories and chemicals.

This wonderful stuff requires you add just a little bit to create a cup of super healthy coffee. Cinnamon adds many healthy antioxidants and also great taste. A few cups of coffee a day is a great beverage choice.

The next time you have a cup of coffee I hope you now understand that you are making a healthy choice as long as you add the healthy ingredients me mentioned earlier. So enjoy!

Top Health Benefits of Coffee

Executive summary about top healthy benefits of coffee By Jeff K Andrews

Most people start out their mornings with a cup of coffee to help them wake up and prepare for the day and it now seems as if people have another reason to make sure they start their days with this tasty hot beverage; 
the nutrients within it that impart the health benefits of coffee.

The Legend of Coffee

Then Kaldi discovered what most people in America know about coffee; it helped to wake him up. Coffee actually was believed to have been discovered in Ethiopia.

Two Main Coffee Species

The two main coffee species being grown currently are called Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee.

Health Benefits of Coffee

As people research coffee and the differences between those who drink it and those who don't, they discover very interesting facts about the good things coffee can do for the body. For example, those who drink coffee have fewer instances of the following diseases: 

  • Type II Diabetes
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Dementia
  • Some cancers
  • Heart Disease
  • Strokes

Type II Diabetes

In order to help prevent Type II Diabetes, people will need to drink at least six to seven cups of coffee per day. This amount of coffee each day lowers a person's risk of Type II Diabetes by 35 percent. Because patients diagnosed with Type II Diabetes also have an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, coffee is also given the credit for decreasing the amount of heart disease and strokes that people experience.

Because coffee lowers the number of people who have disturbances of their heart rhythms, it also indirectly decreases the numbers of heart attacks and strokes that all people endure.

Parkinson 's Disease and Dementia

Coffee drinkers have a decreased risk of Parkinson's disease.

Coffee and Liver Cancer

Researchers can't state definitively how, but coffee appears to decrease the instances of liver cancer.

Nutrients in Coffee

Coffee also contains minerals that are highly important in the body's process of regulating insulin.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Coffee is a great source of omega-6 fatty acids containing 27.6 milligrams in each fluid ounce.

Coffee Allergies

Coffee has a large amount of caffeine, 0.3 milligrams per fluid ounce, and it may be the cause of some people's allergies.

Who Shouldn't Drink Coffee?

It's a concern for doctors that pregnant women who drink large amounts of coffee might have a higher risk of miscarrying. They generally advise their patients to drink around 12 ounces of coffee per day; this number means that less than 200 milligrams of coffee is being ingested which is the amount that is considered to be the safest for women who are expecting. The less than 200 milligram number appears to be safe because research has shown that there isn't an increased incidence of miscarrying or promoting a premature birth; it also doesn't seem to affect the growth of the foetus in any way.

Coffee, rather the caffeine in coffee, may present people who have urinary issues with a reason to limit their consumption. The answer isn't going to be to drink decaffeinated coffee because it has been found that decaffeinated coffee has the same diuretic effects as regular coffee.

Another group of people who might want to decrease the amount of coffee they drink, both regular as well as decaffeinated, are people who experience heartburn.

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