Kopi luwak (Indonesian pronunciation: [kopi luwak]), or civet coffee, is one of the world's most expensive and low-production varieties of coffee. It is made from the beans of coffee berries which have been eaten by the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and other related civets, then passed through its digestive tract. Passing through a civet's intestines the beans are then defecated, keeping their shape. After gathering, thorough washing, sun drying, light roasting and brewing, these beans yield an aromatic coffee with much less bitterness. This coffee was widely noted as the most expensive coffee in the world with prices reaching $160 per pound since the Uchunari grade 0 coffee has been introduced on the international coffee market.
The farmers collect the coffee seeds and produce only 300 kg of authentic vietnamese chon coffee. The processed civet beans are imported to the UK to the farmers' sole UK supplier.
A cup of Kopi Luwak Gayo, Takengon, Aceh, Indonesia. The origin of Kopi Luwak is closely connected with the history of coffee production in Indonesia. Soon, the natives learned that certain species of musang or luwak (Asian Palm Civet) consumed the coffee fruits, yet they left the coffee seeds undigested in their droppings.
Civet Coffee Beans
Civet coffee (Kopi luwak) has a thick texture, and tastes vary depending on roasting levels. Iced kopi luwak brews may bring out some flavors not found in other coffees. Other berries eaten by civets can give kopi luwak a pungent, sometimes bitter taste, though it varies depending on the diet of the civet.
Sumatra is the world's largest regional producer of kopi luwak. Sumatran civet coffee beans are mostly an early arabica variety cultivated in the Indonesian archipelago since the seventeenth century.
Sumatra is the world's largest regional producer of kopi luwak. Sumatran civet coffee beans are mostly an early arabica variety cultivated in the Indonesian archipelago since the seventeenth century.
Kopi muncak
Unlike civet coffee, kopi muncak is mostly gathered in the wild, chiefly in the Indonesian Archipelago.
An Asian Palm Civet, Kopi is the Indonesian word for coffee. Luwak is a local name of the Asian Palm Civet in Sumatra. Civets also eat small vertebrates, insects, ripe fruits and seeds.
Coffee cherries are eaten by a civet for their fruit pulp.
Coffee cherries are eaten by a civet for their fruit pulp.
Defecated luwak coffee berries, East Java
Civet coffee imitation
Research into the palm civet's digestive processes and the transformation of the beans' proteins has led to the discovery of innovative ways to imitate the taste of kopi luwak without the civet's involvement. Kopi luwak production involves a great deal of labor, whether farmed or wild-gathered. The Trung Nguyên Coffee Company in Vietnam, through its work in isolating the civet's digestive enzymes, has patented its own synthetic enzyme soak, which is used in its Legendee brand simulated kopi luwak coffee.
other post:
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Gourmet Coffee!
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